Reply To: The Irish Topic

Forums The Irish Topic The Irish Topic The Irish Topic Reply To: The Irish Topic


First thing when I woke up was talk on radio about CO2 and taxation of cars and energy and bla bla bla all these fricking ” experts” gimma a break
never thought the average zombie would fall for such scams but they do , we all know it , they just do.
and if you talk against it you re the amazonian puppy killer
plus you obstruct the wonderful super scam , the electric car
what a joke that is
so they are it , they are really going for it
no more cars in the future
habitat areas
and so forth

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor david dees agenda 21

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor david dees agenda 21

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor david dees agenda 21
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor david dees agenda 21