Reply To: Hey Josh …Portland Cement ?

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Postby josh on Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:09 pm

Thanks Linda


This is good research, as we are more and more working with Plasterite it look like it become stronger as it cure (dry), the reason, we think, is because more and more of the resonant cavities are being created with the departure of the water, I do not think the cement will do that….HOWEVER, looking at the Permastone, a plaster product, that may have great potential, there is a product call plaster cement, that is totally weather proof, that I am looking at seriously and soon will be doing experiment with it, so hold on to your boot straps,we are going somewhere :D :D :D


As a funny note, about eight years ago I try to make Orgonite with cement, so I place all of my aluminum shavings and crystals in a mold with the cement, and lo and behold in about three hours the whole thing had turned to powder, the cement had totally desintegrated the aluminum……..nothing left :cry: :cry:
