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Irish Plasterite (40).jpg
love plasterite.jpg
Natural LF Energy (44).jpg

You are too modest Sunflower, (but I’m not 8014)

I thought you’d have posted the link to this joint effort between us, by now.
Thanks for assembling it.
I love the slideshow you made with it, very well done.

A little warning, the audio quality is not so great, Jenn´s Skype connection had troubles.

2016-01-12 21_49_05-Blog_ Sean Maguire...Guests Jenny Mortell,Liam Scheff and Gary Fahy 09-12-2015 -.jpg
2016-01-12 21_49_05-Blog_ Sean Maguire…Guests Jenny Mortell,Liam Scheff and Gary Fahy

-Out of the Bag - Home - r.jpg

I had an interesting meeting with ‘Sean’ the interviewer on the video yesterday, trying to fuel his interest in Plasterite, he went off with some pieces, information sheets and sounding very enthusiastic about getting pouring, enrolling his wife (who is a ceramacist) to make moulds, (maybe they will get the angles and frequencies right lol) and children to paint pieces.

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