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Jenn s been on the road , visiting lady G. and getting it all going

on a side note, it is remarkable to see how many of those who are awake belong the what we could call the

creative community, artists, musicians, poets, healers, alternative medicine people, etc. just comes to mind now I write this. Besides from being a tool of light, a healing energy device, or if you really have to use that word ” orgonite”

it is also pleasant and fun to make them, good atmosphere, etc, it is like doing things you like , that give good

craic as they say …

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Posts: 10

Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:33 am

Location: Germantown, Maryland


Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:16 am




And Hello!!!! LOL



Still in experimental mode, and having the time of my life…


By my calling this “experimental”, I’ve released myself from any “good or bad” labels regarding my Creations…. well, mostly! OK, I still have my bucket for unfortunate results, but I did use over half of that last night in a larger pouring, large plastic planter from the $1.00 Dollar Store locally. My fascination with color seems unending. I twiddle more and more with subtle changes to when or what I add, either to water or plaster…. The tumeric, neem tree powder, and now this wonderful powdered food coloring from the Indian store, all work well in parts mixed with the plaster. I’ve five colors of glitter, so I add one or two colors in also, to the plaster. With the water, I’ve tried mixing the color in with the blender, and also just adding it after pouring the water first into the mold, and stirring. What has really worked interesting is getting it at about to set moment(s), and putting some drops of the liquid food coloring, and then swirling it, and even using my bamboo skewer, poking it to the bottom, to get some of the color, spread around deeper….

The other thing we found, and I say we, because suddenly, my entire family is now a Plasterite Family! LOL

The kids take turns with me each night we pour, and they get their own special batch of hearts, or mini cones. What Sherry has now started to do, is take what I pour, and put it in the oven for a half hour or so. WOW, it REALLY brings out the color(s), that are in the mix. We have played with heating them at different temps and lengths, but very happy with how they come out! Steaming…..

Will post some pics possibly tomorrow evening of some of the latest, only on my third bag of plaster, want another three hundred bags, just in case I get really excited! LOL

Double Aho!!!



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Posts: 10

Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:33 am

Location: Germantown, Maryland

Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:04 pm


Aho Blynsay!


Yes! Others may pitch in on this, but here is my take on what could or should be added to our Creations….. just about ANYTHING, Natural.

 For me, I look to add “layers” of information / vibration / frequency, to each piece of Plasterite. To me, adding any natural substance, can and will do such. The question really comes down to this….. What is my intention or desire in regards to that which I create? Some of my pieces get everything including the kitchen sink, when I am creating a piece or pieces, for personal use around the home, or to be given to someone, with the intention of helping them on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually. For instance, I am working on a “batch” that will be given out, to help folks open up their 3rd Eye…. so what might I wish to put into something like that? For starters, I’m putting Borax powder, to help decalcify the pineal gland…. and some Rose Essential Oil, since it has one of the highest vibrations of any living thing. Some other goodies as well, but I hope you get the idea?


There is no right or wrong in making these Creations. Without playing and experimenting, we sit within the same sand box, with the same sand, and hope to uncover something new….. Let’s play with abandon and see what we might Create, new!!!!

 Welcome to our Family, please ask anything you wish!


Warm Regards,

