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Gifting Report 2 – Adeliade to Perth – September 14th 2009
Posted by orgonizeaustralia on September 4, 2009 at 8:41 AM
First of all, my apologies for keeping you all in suspense – Ive had this report typed up on my laptop for weeks but I’ve had a real hard time getting it online – many different technical problems one after the other so i’m sorry for those who may have been concerned!!


But thank God I’ve finally managed it so on with the second gifting report!!


We arrived in Perth after a fantastic gifting run from Adelaide with no problems at all. Shortly before arriving in Adelaide, we had tried in vain to locate the Sellicks Hill weatherstation, south of the city. We had driven towards its approximate location from every possible angle with no luck and in the end we gave up and had to leave it ungifted which was hugely disappointing for me as I feel the weatherballs have a large roll to play in the manipulation of the weather.




I had written down the precise coordinates of all the weather stations along the coast but this was no good with no coordinate finding equipment, so whilst we were in Adelaide I invested in a Sat Nav so we could more easily locate all the other stations.




So,after busting Adelaide’s second weatherball, just north of the city… (4TBs)









…we drove, (gifting all the roadside towers on the way) to Port Augusta. A town which I felt had a horrible energy about it. I’m not especially energy sensitive or psychic but you know when you just pick up the vibe of a place? Well, I thought Port Augusta had a rather horrible vibe of despair and some kind of “none hope”. We gifted all the towers in the area and threw a TB into the river to hopefully lighten the place up wink


We then picked up the famous Nullarbor crossing. (Nullarbor is bad latin for no trees) The Nullarbor plain is an almighty plain – with not many trees – that stretches from Port Augusta in South Australia all the way to Norseman in Western Australia. It wasn’t as bad a drive as urban legend had suggested. I guess the tales of the oldschool are still in the air but its now 2009 and there are plenty of petrol stations, cafes, water facilities and people all the way across now. It was actually quite pleasant driving the 2000ish kms accoss. Even doing the longest straight stretch of road in Australia, (149kms) we didn’t get bored! Although we had well and truly rinsed all of our CDs by the end of it!



This is what the road looked like for 3 days!




There wasn’t a massive amount to gift across the Nullarbor plain, other than the odd tower here and there and a couple of weatherballs…



There was however a tall, nasty looking red and white tower and a pair of red and white masts going on just before reaching the Ceduna weatherstation. We gifted them but were unable to get photos as we flew right past them on the highway and launched our TBs from the window. Here is a picture of the weatherball we busted though… (3TBs)




Next was the weatherball at Eucla… (3TBs)




We had a few days of fine weather as we crossed the Nullarbor and somewhere along the line this beauty popped up…




Upon arriving in Norseman, WA – which I felt had a lovely, uplifting vibe – we found another pair of red and white towers up a hill. There was a sign suggesting they are used for aircraft navigation. We gifted it and continued on our journey… (3TBs)




Shortly before arriving in Esperance, we gifted yet another pair of red and white towers at the airport (un-photographed) and another tall red and white mast… (3TBs each)




And then in Esperance, which is a lovely seaside town, we were shocked to find this beaming down on the population… (Gifted with 3 TBs – I do love the number 3!) big grin




Here we also busted the next weatherball on the list… (3 again!)




Further along the coast we got to Albany, where we gifted yet another weatherball (Much easier to find thanks to the sat nav!… (3 TBs!)




We found another tall red and white mast near the weather station… (3 TBs I think) (Unphotographed)



…and these things beaming down on the town from the hill top… (Giftedwith 3 TBs)




After leaving Albany we drove through the south west forests. There wasn’t much to gift here other than the odd normal looking “cell-phone” tower.

We stopped for a walk through the old karri tree forests and I couldn’t help but pick up this really sad feeling. Looking around me as we walked, I could see that so many of the trees had faces in them and I couldn’t stop feeling their wise, sad, emotion. The face on this tree turned out great in the photo…




On our way across the corner to the western coast of Australia, we busted a few more tall red and white masts – no photos of these I’m afraid as the camera battery was charging as we did our drive-by busting.



Upon meeting the western coast, and the Indian Ocean we stopped in Bunbury; Straight away we found some huge dishes to gift at the radio station… (1 TB per dish)




Bunbury had a really mysterious, secret cult kinda vibe and we spotted pyramid symbols everywhere – there was a big pyramid symbol going on at Apex park. The biggest building in town had a strange pyramidal roof and even the scenic lookout had a pyramid shaped roof over it.

We busted all the towns towers and the local freemasons lodge recieved some love too.




They sure are creepy places aren’t they? They never seem to have any windows anywhere and one of the outside walls was just covered in loads of little air vents.

We also busted the TV stations’ big dishes which were just next door to the freemasons lodge…




Next stop was Perth where we gifted the city centre weatherball… (3 TBs)




Upon visiting the prison in Fremantle, and feeling the harsh energy of despair and entrapment there, I decided to deploy some TBs around it to hopefully transmute some of the energy. This was the prison shortly before gifting… (3 TBs)




Near the prison, on top of a hill were these three towers. The fact that they were so close together and all on a hill top suggested perhaps they were sitting on a portal?? This is them shortly after gifting (3TBs)…


(Infact I cannot find the photo for these towers…….. more difficulties!! big grin)


We busted some towers in Perth city but most of that lot remains ungifted (as far as I know) as there are just so many of them.

On our way to find a shower we spotted this juicy target 10 kms north of the city centre… another paired set of red and white towers with the cable joining them along with a tall mast similar to the one in Adelaide. There were also 4 or 5 smaller masts here but they didn’t show up well on the camera and so are not shown here… (We gave this lot 8 TBs in total)







Fuel prices have been much more than we anticipated and my money is quite short so if you have anything you’d like to contribute please paypal me using this email address –





Conformation-wise – Its been raining pretty much all the way from Adelaide and we’ve seen a lot of flooded paddocks and full rivers along our way.



Everytime we have asked a local about the weather they’ve said that its raining much more than usual for the time of year – One person even advised us that the south has had the most rain in 8 years so I reckon this could be some pretty sweet confirmation. And we haven’t even hit the 3 most major targets yet – Geraldton satellite communications station, the HAARP stuff at Exmouth and of course, Pine Gap – This drought has no chance!! Very exciting stuff!! Woo Hoo!!



Again, I apologise for this report being so overdue – Its been very frustrating but I’m glad its finally up! big grin



Until next time, gift on my fellow beings of the Earth and have a wonderful day!